Package spock.lang

Annotation Type Unroll

public @interface Unroll
Indicates that iterations of a data-driven feature should be made visible as separate features to the outside world (IDEs, reports, etc.). By default, the name of an iteration is the feature's name followed by the data variables and their values and the iteration index. This can be changed by providing a naming pattern after @Unroll. A naming pattern may refer to data variables by prepending their names with #. Example:
 @Unroll("#name should have length #length")
 def "name length"() {
   name.size() == length

   name << ["Kirk", "Spock", "Scotty"]
   length << [4, 5, 6]
Alternatively, the naming pattern can also be embedded in the method name:
 def "#name should have length #length"() {
The Unroll annotation can also be put on a spec class. This has the same effect as putting it on every data-driven feature method that is not already annotated with Unroll. By embedding the naming pattern in the method names, each method can still have its own pattern.

Having @Unroll on a super spec does not influence the features of sub specs, that is @Unroll is not inheritable.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
    String value  
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value